Nurses - The largest healthcare profession globally
The COVID pandemic has made it certain that there are ongoing needs for nurses - in terms of job prospects and high demand for skilled and experienced health professionals.
If you're interested in migrating to New Zealand to work as a health professional, our team of professionals can guide you step by step in the process of getting registration as a Nurse with Nursing Council of New Zealand. We can also help in jobs search assistance and all things visa/immigration related.
Keep reading to understand what a Nurse role consists in, in New Zealand:
- Roles
- Working conditions
- Income and employment prospects.
- Benefits of moving to New Zealand as a Registered Nurse
- Skills and knowledge required
Take our visa assessment now
The assessment done by our Immigration specialists will guide you from start to end and highlight visa options, the job search assistance we provide, and the migration process for you and your family.
We are serious about privacy.
The information you provide is secure and is only used to assess your enquiry.