New Zealand Voted best for work life balance. Again

New Zealand takes the top spot, again

New Zealand frequently tops the ranking of the best countries for work-life balance and was already featuring as number 1 last year as announced by Newshub. A 2024 report detailed in Remote, and relayed by Conde Nast, and BBC websites reveals that we've kept our top spot this year! As explained by the NZ Herald, the appeals of “heart-stopping scenery, rich Māori culture, and always-welcoming locals” made it top of the wish-list for would-be expats.

Heart-stopping scenery, rich Māori culture, and always-welcoming locals” made (New Zealand) top of the wish-list for would-be expats

But it's not just the stunning landscapes featured in many movies that appeal migrants. Our outdoor lifestyle is a big incentive for those looking for a big change, and we "Kiwis" benefit from generous annual leave (4 weeks + statutory holidays), a high minimum wage (the second highest on the list at $23.15/hour)), 26 weeks of paid maternity leave for new mothers, and 80% statutory sick pay percentage. Given these perks, it's no wonder New Zealand remains a popular destination for many seeking a new life abroad.

New Zealand and Australia are the only non-European countries in the top 5, and the UK places 9th while Singapore (19th) or the USA (53rd) are far behind. If New Zealand isn't necessarily for you, and you're thinking about moving Down under! visit who boasts and average 3,000 of sunshine hours per year and sickness paid at 100% of your salary.


A relaxed lifestyle

As a more general consideration it is well-known that New Zealand's laid back lifestyle will generally mean you would work fewer hours, and be able to spend more time with your family. As a country, we welcome migrants with open arms and our dynamic economy offers unmatched professional growth opportunities.

If you haven't already, we invite you to explore New Zealand regions, download our free 5-day guide, or take our online eligibility assessment.


