A guide to life in New Zealand
I want to emigrate to New Zealand, what should I expect?
One of the biggest factors to consider when emigrating to New Zealand (apart from immigration policies) is what it is like to live there. The people, weather, housing, food and prices will all influence your perception and enjoyment of what it is to live in New Zealand. So, plan your move, and read on!
New Zealand's population
New Zealand has a population of only around 5.2 million people. To put that into perspective, that is about half the total population of London, with a land mass of almost the same size as the United Kingdom (243,000km2 for the UK, 270,000km2 for New Zealand). Breaking those figures down, we can see that the New Zealand population density is vastly different from the United Kingdom average, at 16 people per square kilometre, compared to 255 people per square kilometre in the UK. This figure ranks New Zealand at 202th out of 241 countries world wide on population density. This is generally a favourable statistic if you like wide open spaces, fresh air and finding places with natural beauty and low or no levels of population.
In reality, what this means is that within towns and cities, queuing in shops and petrol stations is rare and places are not commonly overcrowded. If you leave the towns and cities behind, you can drive for miles without ever seeing another car. You can drive away from civilisation and find a beach, sit and read for hours on end without being disturbed by other people. You can go camping, truly in the wild, with only yourselves and the belongings you bring with you to keep you company. It's a strange feeling that certainly isn't for everybody, but most will be able to appreciate the level of serenity and peace the country offers because of this very low population density.
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Where to live in New Zealand
If you are unsure as to what region of New Zealand to start your search for a house in, primarily you will have to consider employment positions, as depending on what your speciality is, there could be a higher chance of finding work on New Zealand's North Island, around or in one of the cities such as Auckland, Napier or Wellington. However, house prices are a little higher there than the South Island, generally speaking. With that being said, Christchurch on the south island has become very popular with migrants over the years. While this has been partly due to the lower living costs, it is also a much quieter, more tranquil part of the country which favours those seeking a more peaceful, relaxing life, with some truly stunning landscapes.
In a nutshell
New Zealand is the most recent colonised country in the world and is just starting to really find its feet. The economy is just starting to build and the population is still very low. There are many good opportunities for the budding entrepreneur. The size of the economy and population, is growing rapidly. Some Kiwis wish the numbers stay as they currently are however the rapid migration to New Zealand Shores tells a different story. At this current time, one can enjoy a green uninhabited country, live in more than just a "semi detached" home and have the space for children and pets to enjoy. With that being said, the process of adjusting to these conditions needs to be considered if you are used to fast paced city life and living in close proximity to neighbours. This may seem an easy transition, however New Zealand is often just too slow paced for some individuals. Auckland however does have a more metropolitan feel....and traffic jams to boot. The transition of realising your new life in New Zealand will no doubt be a change from your existing environment, so get ready for a truly rewarding, life-changing experience !
For most people living in New Zealand will mean finding a job in New Zealand and of course the need to apply for a visa. To confirm pathways and requirements, we provide the opportunity to take a free eligibility assessment.
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