New Zealand Shores Success Stories
New Zealand is absolutely breathtaking!
The most challenging part of the process was the visa process and all the paperwork we had to sort out. Adapting to a new country and culture was also a challenge, but it has been a rewarding journey.
NZ Shores advisers
My adviser was Julia Cooke. She was amazing—she took a lot of stress off our shoulders and made sure we submitted all the correct documents, making the process as smooth as possible.
My first impression of NZ was the beauty. New Zealand is absolutely breathtaking!
What I miss from home
What I miss from home the most, definitely biltong! It’s quite expensive in New Zealand, haha. Luckily, there are plenty of South African shops with amazing biltong.
My advice to other migrants
My advice to other migrants is, go out of your way to integrate with New Zealand and its amazing people. The more you engage with the community, the more at home you’ll feel. New Zealand has amazing food!You can literally find food from all over the world, which makes trying new things an exciting part of living here.
One thing I wish I knew
One thing I wish I knew before I moved was, how long the whole process would take and how long it takes to feel truly settled.